E-way bill rules for multiple invoices from supplier to a buyer in a day
What happens if the total value of all invoices exceeds Rs. 50000
or How does e-way bill system handle multiple deliveries in a single day?
E-Way Bill Need
1. Consignment Amount:
An e-way bill is required if the value of one consignment exceeds ₹50,000. So, therefore, if every single invoice amount is less than this, then there is no requirement of an e-way bill for those individual invoices.
2. Invoices of Various Vehicles:
An e-way bill is required to be generated if the aggregate value of goods transported in one vehicle, under various invoices, exceeds ₹50,000. It has been deemed on the basis that the aggregate value should be considered if goods are transported together.
3. Consolidated E-Way Bill:
A consolidated e-way bill may be generated by the transporter when multiple consignments are transported together, if at least one invoice has a value of more than ₹50,000. Such an e-way bill should contain details of all the individual e-way bills in respect of goods being transported.
3. Separate E-Way Bills for Each Invoice:
5. Judicial Precedence:
Kerala High Court clarified in the case of " Bon Cargos Private Ltd. Vs Union of India " 4th Feb 2020 that though the individual invoices may not be ₹50,000 but if the items covered are by way of multiple invoices and the total amount exceeds ₹50,000 then an e-way bill is to be issued even in that case.
other, we need to understand the following ones
6. Transporter Responsibility:
in case the consignor does not issue or generate the e-way bill then required, the transporter is responsible for generating it based on the total value of all invoices being transported together in a single vehicle.
for this "E-way bill rules for multiple invoices from supplier to a buyer in a day" or "The applicability of the e-way bill, where a supplier sells goods through multiple invoices to a single buyer in a day, and each invoice amount is below ₹50,000" we can say as below